Frequently Asked Questions

Nutritional Information On Chocolate Bars

Based on our plain milk chocolate, plain dark chocolate and plain white chocolate the nutritional information is as follows:

What is Rhubees no sugar added Belgian chocolate sweetened with?

Rhubee's Belgian chocolate is sweetened with maltitol which is a sugar alcohol – a type of carbohydrate that is neither sugar nor alcohol. Maltitol has fewer calories than sugar and a lower glycemic index. This can be helpful for diabetics, however, sugar alcohol does still impact blood glucose and levels needs to be monitored. If you are unsure it's always advisable to check with your doctor.

Unfortunately, these is no perfect sweetener and although the FDA has categorised maltitol as “generally recognised as safe”, there is a warning about its laxative effects when ingested by adults at levels above 100 grams per day

Is Rhubees chocolate suitable for Paleo / Keto Diet?

The Paleo Foundation in USA has approved and added Maltitol to their Keto Certified Standards, but our chocolate does still have carbs
To find out more information:

What is the difference between Rhubees milk chocolate that is labelled “No sugar added” and Rhubees dark chocolate that is either labelled “Sugar free” or “No sugar added”?

According to the labelling laws, dark chocolate may be labelled “sugar free” as it contains no form of sugar. It may also be labelled “No sugar added”. Milk chocolate, however, contains naturally occurring lactose sugar present in milk. Therefore, milk chocolate should be labelled “No sugar added” as it is not strictly “Sugar-free” and contains lactose sugar.

What are the differences between dark, milk and white chocolate?

Dark chocolate is considered to be a superfood. Depending on the amount of sweetener added, dark chocolate is labelled by manufacturers as 50, 60, 70 or even 80% dark. Rhubees dark chocolate is 54% dark and contains cocoa mass, maltitol, cocoa butter, soya lecithin and natural vanilla flavouring. Rhubees raw cacao, however, is 100% dark chocolate, as it is completely unsweetened! This is a true superfood – bitter and an acquired taste – it is the ultimate for the truly health-conscious person and can become quite addictive! Milk chocolate has all the ingredients of dark chocolate but with added milk solids which contain lactose sugar. Rhubees white chocolate is made from a blend of maltitol, cocoa butter, dry whole milk, soya lecithin and natural vanilla flavouring. Technically, white chocolate is not a chocolate, as it doesn’t really taste like chocolate and contains no chocolate solids.

Why is chocolate considered to be a “Superfood”?

“Superfood” is a non-medical term popularised in the media to refer to foods that can have health-promoting properties, such as reducing one’s risk of disease or improving any aspect of physical or emotional health. So-called superfoods may have an unusually high content of antioxidents, vitamins or other nutrients.

It has been discovered that cocoa, the key ingredient of chocolate, contains biologically active phenolic compounds. These compounds have long been associated with antioxidant, antiviral, anticancer and anti-inflammatory activities.

The higher the cocoa content in dark chocolate, the more benefits there are. Recent studies suggest that the plant sterols and cocoa flavanols contained in chocolate may support cardiovascular health by lowering cholesterol and improving blood pressure. Results of a lab experiment in 2014 indicated that a cocoa extract called lavado, might reduce or prevent damage to nerve pathways in patients with Alzheimers and improve cognitive function. Other studies have indicated that eating chocolate may reduce risk of heart disease and strokes.

What is “Couverture” chocolate?

Couverture chocolate is a very high quality chocolate that contains a higher percentage of cocoa butter (32 – 39%) than baking or eating chocolate. This additional cocoa butter, combined with proper tempering, gives the chocolate more sheen, a firmer “snap” when broken, and a creamy, mellow flavour

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20A Village Rd, Kloof, Durban

Call: 078 121 8665


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